Friday, March 26, 2010

Does Your Husband Snoring Keep You Up? Learn Expert Help To Cure Your Snore

Embarrassed about your loud snoring?
Tired of either you or your partner's relentless snoring?
Do you want to cure your snoring for good?
We seem to think that snoring is a normal phenomenon in our society. However, there are serious problems associated with this very irritating noise. Medically, the biggest danger is the association of snoring with sleep apnea, a disease which has been connected with major cardiovascular diseases. There are serious social consequences of snoring that should not be ignored. A lot of broken families have snoring as the root of the problem. Weight reduction, a change in the sleeping position is just some of the ways which can help reduce the problem of snoring. However, if these options fail, it is better to consult a medical professional in order to solve the root of the problem.

Snoring is the vibratory sound produced by the obstruction of the upper airway especially during sleep.This sound is produced by the turbulent flow of air as it meets resistance in the narrowed air passages. This occurs either during ihalation or expiration. At times, the sound can be soft, which is not usually alarming, but there are cases where it can get loud and really irritating. The structures usually involved during snoring are the soft palate and the uvula.

Causes of Snoring
  • Genetic predisposition

Some people are born with an anatomy that predisposes them to snore.

  • Congenital deformities

People who were born with cleft palate, poliomyelitis, and muscular dystrophy are at increased

risk for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Advancing age

Many people who snore are usually diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in their 40s and above.

  • Male sex

There is a male preponderance to the incidence of snoring, which is maybe due to their narrower air passages as compared to those of women’s.

  • Atopy

Inflammation of the airways, which occur during a colds, asthma, sinus infections or allergies, can cause nasal congestion.

  • Obesity

Obesity increases the adipose or fat tissues in your throat, blocking the airways.

  • Smoking

The substances present in cigarette smoke relax the throat muscles during inhalation, predisposing a person to snore.

  • Use of alcohol

Some people choose to drink alcohol before going to bed because, as they say, it relaxes them.

However, though it can contribute to your blissful sleep, alcohol relaxes your throat muscles, more than what is expected when you sleep. This causes airflow obstruction and snoring.

  • Use of medications

Sleeping pills and drugs that make you drowsy can decrease air ventilation and reduce muscle

tone, making you prone to snoring.

  • Sleeping position

Lying in supine position causes your tongue fall back, causing further obstruction of your airways. The obstruction narrows your airways, making you snore.

Recent studies reveal that snoring as become more and more a reason for relationship breakups, separation and divorce. It also shows that snoring contributes to a variety of bad health conditions for the snoring spouse and their partner. More importantly, I guess, is the impact of lack of sleep and irritability on both individuals to the relationship.

This unique book has been developed to give insight on how to cure and prevent your snore in a natural way. The techniques revealed inside this book will work for any snorer. Only a tiny percentage of snorers actually require surgery. Thousands of people make the mistake of surgery when they could have used natural methods to cure their snoring.

With your copy of "Cure Your Snore today" you and your partner can start waking up feeling fresh after a good night's sleep. This is a priceless because when you no longer have to put up with sleepless nights due to snoring the arguments will stop and will be replaced by a more loving relationship, with no more sleeping on the sofa.

So take action now and start to cure your snore today! For more information visit

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